United Airlines has an air-rail deal with Deutsche Bahn

The partnership builds on an agreement between Star Alliance and Deutsche Bahn, which was signed last year. This was initiated by Lufthansa, which has been offering air-rail tickets for a long time.

Travelers who book a combination ticket can check in their bags at a special counter at the airport. Those who fly Business Class can also use the Deutsche Bahn lounges available at major stations.

The deal includes trains from and to the stations of Stuttgart, Ulm, Munich, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden, Freiburg, Würzburg, Neurenberg, Düsseldorf, Keulen/Bonn, Aken, Münster, Osnabrück, Dortmund, Bremen, Kassel, Göttingen, Berlijn, Hanover, Hamburg, Erfurt, Leipzig, Dresden, Mannheim, Siegburg/Bonn, Augsburg and Basel.

United connects those destinations with New York (Newark), Chicago, Washington, Houston, Denver and San Francisco, in partnership with Lufthansa.

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