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Remembering Feinstein
for her graciousness

Re: “California trailblazer was ‘a political giant’” (Page A1, Sept. 30).

I will miss Sen. Dianne Feinstein. She was nice enough to extend me, a freshman Republican member of Congress, courtesies. As San Francisco mayor she invited me in 1987 to represent the California congressional delegation to officially greet Pope John Paul II on his visit to San Francisco. My wife treasures the picture of her shaking hands with the pope. In the Senate office building the senator personally invited me to join her in the Senate private elevator to go to her office on a higher floor. She was even sweet enough to invite my wife and me to dinner with her and her husband although we did not take advantage of that opportunity.

She overlooked the ideological divide between us and reached out to us to join her in leading America. Senator, thank you for your service to our nation.

Ernie Konnyu
San Jose

Cities must make wise
choices with tree effort

Re: “Several Bay Area cities to be spruced up with trees through grants that address climate crisis” (Page A1, Sept. 25).

Bay Area cities are getting grants to plant much-needed trees — hooray. I hope the tree types are chosen with care.

When I lived in San Jose, the city planted liquid amber trees in the parking strips in my neighborhood — a poor choice because of their shallow roots which caused a lot of sidewalk damage (which homeowners had to pay for), and the spiny balls they drop which can cause people to slip and fall.

The new program has the city taking care of the trees for the first five years, and then the responsibility falls on the homeowners. In Redwood City, the parking strip in front of my house had a city-planted palm tree, a danger to property and persons as the huge palm fronds would drop in strong winds. The city removed that tree for me.

Please choose trees appropriate for the space and climate.

Carol Zink
Redwood City

District 6 needs
Oliverio again

With our council member termed out in 2024, San Jose District 6 must elect new representation. As a long-time resident, I hope Pierluigi Oliverio will run again.

During Pierluigi’s previous tenure on the City Council, my neighbors enjoyed immediate personal responses from Pierluigi to all concerns and questions — seven days a week. His thoughtful responses made us feel heard and confident that our voices mattered at City Hall.

After being termed out, Pierluigi never disappeared or became a lobbyist. Instead, he continues to volunteer as a city commissioner, neighborhood association board member, public advocate and author of insightful commentaries in the Mercury News. His dedication to civic service is unparalleled. He is a reliable, highly experienced presence in local government.

Pierluigi, please consider serving one more time as our District 6 council member. Our neighborhood needs you.

Ilene Chinitz
San Jose

Shelter critics should
offer to help out

Re: “Critics: Cats at shelter in peril” (Page A1, Sept. 24).

Regarding the article Sept. 24 about accusations of animal neglect at the San Jose Animal Shelter, I would like to offer a different view.

I visited the shelter recently and during my visit asked to meet with Jay Terrado, the director. I asked what I could do to help the shelter. He had ideas for me. I found the shelter to be clean, efficient and marketing the available animals through cute write-ups on each one. Heartbreaking was the number of people surrendering animals. Folks need to understand if Fluffy has a litter of kittens you can market and place them yourself with a little effort. The most heartwarming moment was watching a family walk out with a new dog, both were so happy. I got tears in my eyes.

The shelter is overwhelmed due to human irresponsibility. Jay Terrado is performing an impossible job. Let’s find ways to help him rather than criticizing.

Christine Russell
Los Gatos

Native American help
small step for parks

Re: “Natives to get say with co-stewardship of land” (Page A1, Sept. 25).

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