Biden Third Year Job Approval Worst Since Jimmy Carter


biden poll jimmy carter
Biden Third Year Job Approval Worst Since Jimmy Carter

Many Americans are not high on Joe Biden right now. Despite the Democrats’ attempts to gaslight the nation into thinking the economy is doing well, many are getting crushed under inflation and poor prospects.

That’s not the only issue Americans have with the Biden administration’s performance, though, and polling shows that Biden is as unpopular as the previous least-liked disaster: Jimmy Carter.

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Record Low

A new Gallup poll shows the president is breaking new ground in his job approval numbers.

Gallup reports, “During President Joe Biden’s third full year in office, spanning Jan. 20, 2023, to Jan. 19, 2024, an average of 39.8% of Americans approved of his job performance. Among prior presidents in the Gallup polling era who were elected to their first term, only Jimmy Carter fared worse in his third year. Carter averaged 37.4% approval in a year in which gas prices soared, inflation reached double digits and Iranian militants took U.S. citizens hostage.”

The poll also noted that “Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon also had sub-50% third-year averages.”

At least that’s higher than a Pew Research poll from the same time frame. Pew shows Biden with just 33% approval and 65% disapproval.

Dwight Eisenhower had the highest for a third-year president at 72.1%. Nearly everybody liked Ike.

The story continued:

Biden’s third-year average was lower than both his first-year (48.9%) and second-year (41.0%) averages. Though better than his third-year average, his first- and second-year ratings also ranked as the second lowest for recent presidents, ahead of only Trump in both years.

And just think: Biden doesn’t have to contend with corrupt attacks against him, an openly biased, hostile media, or backstabbing from his own party, as Trump did and does.

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Looking Bad for Biden

Most polls have shown that if Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee, he garners more support than Biden.

Of course, we are ten months out from the election so a lot can change. (Have Republicans learned how to ballot harvest yet?)

As of now, Biden better hope something changes because he’s on a steady path to lose.

An unpopular Democrat Jimmy Carter lost in 1980 to a popular Republican, Ronald Reagan, in a massive landslide.

History could repeat itself. The numbers are certainly there.

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