Can you find holiday inspiration in something as simple as a list of places to pick up a pine or find a fir? At one point, I would have answered that with a big old Grinchy “No.”
But here’s the thing: Over the last few years of creating and updating this guide to Southland holiday tree lots and farms, I’ve marveled how each one seems to take on a life of its own, becoming something more than just a clickable listicle that helps you easily land your festive flora (though it definitely is that). It ends up telling me a Christmas story — and usually it’s one I didn’t see coming.
The first list (back in 2021) was all about adaptability and resiliency in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year’s list ended up focusing on family, leaning heavily on family-owned lots and choose-and-cut tree farms. This year, the surprising story that emerged from the forest of trees was one of longevity. Not only am I happy to report that all but one of last year’s tree people are still slinging pine this time around, but the new ones on the list come with some serious growth rings of their own.
Two of those are Scout-run: El Segundo Scout House Assn., which has been at it for more than 70 years, and the Troop 2 Boy Scouts of America in Santa Monica, who this year are notching a full half-century of selling Santa Monicans (and others) their holiday greenery. Troop 2 Tree Lot chair Stephan Corbel notes that the scouts there have had a hand in moving more than 1,000 Oregon-grown trees each of those years, and if that pace continues this year, the total tally of tannenbaums taken home will be north of 50,000.
Another new addition that’s hardly new to the business is Holt Family Christmas Trees, a four-lot concern that’s stepping in to fill the gaping hole in the holiday tree business left by the June 2023 death of Oliver Holt, who helmed Oliver Holt Sons and Daughters Christmas Trees for 66 years. The feel-good part of the story? The folks behind it are one of his sons and one of his daughters — a branch off the family Christmas tree, if you will.
Now harness up your reindeer, point your sleigh toward one of these 32 places to get a Christmas tree and make the jolly bearded one proud.