LG has unveiled an AI-powered robot assistant in the run-up to CES 2024. According to the manufacturer, the robot can recognize faces and voices, hold conversations and interpret facial expressions, among other things.

The South Korean electronics maker describes in broad terms what the robot can do. It can move around the house on two wheels. The robot includes hardware and software from Qualcomm’s Robotics RB5 platform. LG says the robot can greet the user at the door, analyze emotions and respond to those emotions by adjusting its posture.

The robot also has a number of smart home functions. For example, it can measure the humidity in the home and see which appliances are on and off. For example, if the user forgets to turn off the air conditioning when leaving the house, the robot can alert the user via his smartphone. The user can also use the robot as a surveillance device, LG says. If the robot detects ‘unusual activities’ in the home, it can report this to the owner via a message.

It is not yet known under what name the robot will be marketed and how much it will cost. LG says it’s part of the lineup at CES 2024, which takes place Jan. 9-12 in Las Vegas.

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